Marcel Proust once said, "Love is space measured by the heart." Therefore, the name Heart at 13°45′.N simply starts with latitude of the land where our heart’s at, Bangkok.
Stay from afar No expectations, judgements or burdens; just love!

I'm responsible for all drawings, product design and video media of the page
1st project for 3rd anniversary Sotus the series on air.
Thanks SOTUS team for a wonderful series, a beautiful friendship and a perfect love story.
Thanks for helping and caring for Krist - Singto all the time since the series SOTUS started until now.
Dear our beloved boys, Singto and Krist, from the beginning until the end, we love you more day by day.
Hope you like our gifts.
All gifts including the design of notebooks and clothes are hand-designed and checked by us step by step with the factory.
Cre vid: tae_infinity
Cre vid: tae_infinityCre vid: Ig Yunnan
Special Event
For: Krist's 24th Birthday Drake19thBirthday BlacklistTheSeries on-air
We will be giving away cupholders, bookmarks, fridge magnets and some other small gifts on Friday (Oct 11th, 2019)
Location: #GMMTV Lobby Time: from 3:00pm onward
The event is divided into two parts
100 gifts are supported for staff and company employees including 1 set of straws, 1 bottle of water and a gift box
Do giveaway gift set for promoting Blacklist The Series on-air at gmm grammy lobby

Some other small support events
Valentine event 10 radom card comes with a piece of cookie
Giving away cupholders in VietNam for TURN THE RHYTHM 2GETHER
Hello everyone, on the occasion of the release of a new, hot movie while blowing and watching:
#TurnLeftTurnRight (Singto series)
#MyRhythm (Krist's theatrical film)
#2gether (New Drake and Frank series)